This site launched on 2025-01-20 I'm happy and grateful that you are here. And also a little bit amazed that you found me. It has to have been through word of mouth (the very best way) because I don't write anywhere else, I don't promote this site on social media, and I haven't made it accessible to search engines. You are protected too. I don't have analytics turned on, so I don't know who is reading or how often. Neither of us need feel obligated to comment or 'like'. But if you want to talk with me, I'm happy to chat, easy to reach, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Saw%20your%20website), and will always reply. (Or if you're in LYT, feel free to DM me.) - [[Why Profound Journey?]] - [[What's with the Turtle?]] - [[Mary Oliver's Poem]] - [[Quotes and Poems]] ## Navigating Profound Journey ![[Vault Structure for Profound Journey.png]] I assume you'll bop around and explore what interests you. If you want navigation aids, you'll find them in the Instructions for Life folder. Upfront in that folder, there's a major MOC for each of the other three folders: [[Pay Attention MOC]], [[Be Amazed MOC]] and [[Tell About It MOC]]. They are a good place to start. Please note that there is redundancy deliberately built into the three major MOCs. You can access everything from them *or* you can see sections by clicking on the H1 heads (green or pink in the above map) *or* you can go to the level of the individual map (yellow in the above). Anything not in a bubble refers to notes not substantial enough to warrant their own map. Maps that are sparse right now will populate in time. Every note on this site has an Up link to a map of content. It bugs me when I don't know if something I read online is current or a dozen years old. So every note, with the exception of quote files and MOCs, has the date the note was created and when it was last updated. New notes or updates to existing ones are listed below with the most recent entries at the top. At the end of the month, the new and updated list will go into a [[2025 Updates]] file in Instructions for Life and this Welcome page will have the new month. # New and Updated ## February 2025 - [[Kris Kristofferson]] (updated) - [[Page of Wands]] - [[Statio]] - [[Kris Kristofferson]] - [[Anger Qualities Evident through Metaphor]] - [[Clean Language]] - [[Writing into Paradox]] (updated)